Tim Chi
Some thoughts on why I study Tai Chi and how I came to teach it.
Yet Another Story about Transformations
I’m now an occasional contributor to Christian Cadre. I’m excited to join them. My first piece, “Yet Another Story About Transformations,” is available now.
A Wonderfully Horrible Day
“A Wonderfully Horrible Day” is a poem that’s a little Shel Shilverstein, a little Dr. Seuss and lurks on the edge of non-sense poetry, and a lot fun to do live. It’s now been #published in Bhubaneswar Review: http://www.bhubaneswarreview.com/details/a-wonderfully-horrible-day-by-tim-wood Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
the Parable of the Two Watchman
Once there was a rich man who had two watchmen for his hen houses. One was diligent and one was lazy. The rich man left for a few days to sell his produce at market. While he was gone, the lazy watchman knew the rich man wouldn’t catch him so he slept at night when he should’ve been watching his hen house. A wild animal broke in and stole eggs and ran off several hens. When the rich man returned, he discovered what had happened in the one hen house but yelled at both watchmen. While, for a few days, the lazy watchman actually stayed awake to watch his hen house, he soon returned to his old habits and began sleeping at night. Soon enough, the wild animal was back to stealing eggs and running off hens. The rich man was furious but he was afraid to fire the lazy watchman because he worried about how long it would take him to find a new watchman. And that meant he would have to be the one staying awake to watch the hen house. So the rich man decided to have the watchmen walk around the hen house twice as often. The lazy watchman kept falling asleep while the diligent watch man tried to keep up with the extra work. The rich man didn’t pay either man much – not even enough to buy the eggs they watched. The lazy man didn’t mind because he had to sleep anyway. The diligent … Continue reading the Parable of the Two Watchman
What draws ‘lone wolves’ to the Islamic State?
The recent attack on a bike path in lower Manhattan once again compels us to ask: Why do people pledge allegiance to the Islamic State? Sayfullo Saipov, the suspect in the attack, isn’t a devout Muslim. He cursed and came late to prayers, according to acquaintances who talked to The New York Times. So why would he want to be a martyr? As a professor of modern Middle Eastern history, I have spent the majority of my professional life studying the region, its culture, society and politics. In recent years, I have researched and written about IS and its terrorist activities. While other experts and I have long looked at how radicalization occurs, some new ideas are emerging. Of lone wolves, flaming bananas and machismo Like this recent attack in New York, many IS attacks around the globe are carried out by individuals the media have dubbed “lone wolves” – that is, freelancers who act without the direct knowledge of the IS leadership. To avoid glamorizing them, the RAND Corporation prefers the term “flaming bananas.” There are two theories as to why these individuals pledge allegiance to the group. The first is that they get “radicalized.” Radicalization refers to a step-by-step process whereby individuals become increasingly susceptible to jihadi ideas. First, they cut themselves off from social networks such as family, which provide them with support and a conventional value system. They then immerse themselves in a radical religious counterculture. They might do this on their own, or a jihadi … Continue reading What draws ‘lone wolves’ to the Islamic State?
The Invisible Nation
There is an eternal ground, the divine There’s only one divine That we experience as a family of three creator, nurturer and child protector, appearer, manifested And that last was made manifest perhaps many times perhaps with many names but firstmost in Judea and Israel To begin the second age of man To free us From ourselves And our failures And show us how to live together As one People The Invisible Nation as Declared and Constitutional Established in the first century CE To be the living manifestation of the child who was manifest until the child is manifested again Zo Zeg Wijalles Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
A FairyTail with Spelling Errors
Trolls know everything taste better with Ketchup, even Twitter.
A FairyTail with Spelling Errors
Deal with it: it got attitude
Site Redesign
I registered 4til7.com back on September 4, 2000 (or perhaps before… but that’s a long story). The original site was very very old school white on a black background with a very fancy (for the time) slide out menu on the left. The whole site was hand-crafted. Adding something new meant hand writing another page. Ah, ancient history. Since then, I migrated the site to WordPress (while keeping at least some of the old look). Then I migrated in lots of my old writing from various places. And then I went to a responsive theme so the site worked well on mobile. And and and… I kept avoiding a full rewrite because there were too many things buried in corners that I was worried about breaking. But, eventually, it’s time to break a few things. Yesterday, I broke everything and started rebuilding on top of the WordPress 2014 theme (aka a Theme That Always Just Works). I wanted to do a few unusual things, like the centered 4til7 graphic, and not muck up the stock theme so the site has a teeny tiny child theme to hold (basically) a couple of tweaks to the CSS style sheet that gives the site it’s look. My writing is still front and center but now you’ll only see an excerpt ending with a ‘Continue reading’ link that will take you to the full piece. The lengths of those excerpts are all over the place but I’ll be standardize them. Beyond that, there are … Continue reading Site Redesign
After 2016: The Trump Landslide
The Trump Landslide (#After2016)
Things a Dad should never have to do
Mr Phil was the guy who ran the school cafeteria. And now he’s dead in an extra-judicial killing. #PhilandoCastile