One thing I’ve been proud of is that none of the websites we’ve created have ever been hacked. Until last month. WordPress released an update (3.4.2) that had a security hole. Out of the many sites we’ve created, two sites we’re hacked. We believe that the just released WordPress 3.50 closed the hole and we worked with the companies hosting the two sites to restore the sites and install the update.
Now for a little personal political commentary. As they say, eDao, Inc., it’s employees, owners, affiliates and lackeys are not responsible for what follows. Me, myself and I are responsible for the opinions that follow.
One of the two sites —— was replaced with a message of protest “against disrespect of the prophet Mohammad”.
The image is cropped because you can guess a lot of the rest (and because I’m not going to give this site cracker any credit).
What I will do is draw a contrast with Anonymous. Anonymous targets their actions. They don’t declare war against the world, they declare it against a specific company, group government. Sticking with that war analogy, they’re following one of the core tenets of the laws of war: you don’t attack non-combatants.
On the other hand, this type of attacker is blasting anything and everything; whether or not they’re involved. He or she apparently missed the fact that the filmmaker is now in prison for what amounts to fraud related to making the Innocence of the Muslims. The U.S. government condemned the video.It’s a bad piece of video and a good case has been made that the “filmmaker’s” purpose was to enrage people and cause exactly what happened.
“Protests” like the one posted to GrandViaduct’s website don’t work. If you disagree with bozos like those behind the Innocence of the Muslims, YouTube, blogs, Twitter, etc., enable you to convince people.
Me, I just got convinced to pepper this post with the title of a stupid video. Because I can. And because what I just did is more likely to convince people. Of what? That both those who make videos like Innocence of the Muslims and those trashing non-combatant websites are wrong.
The “filmmaker” is paying for his crime. If there’s a balance to these things, “protestors” who target non-combatants will, too. Who knows, maybe the warden can shack them up together. And then can they work out their differences in person..