Featured speaker, 12 more Dallas Poets Talking, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture
Featured speaker, 12 more Dallas Poets Talking, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 9 September 1995 Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
interview Poet and Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities, “Robert Trammell: Bridges, Profiteering, and George Jones Artiste”
“Robert Trammell: Bridges, Profiteering, and George Jones Artiste” — interview with Dallas Poet and Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities, the Word: the monthly Guide to the Arts in Dallas, September 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Interview Documentary Photographer “Tony Burns: Corporate Control, Mediums and Homelessness”
“Tony Burns: Corporate Control, Mediums and Homelessness” — interview with Documentary Photographer Tony Burns, the Word: the monthly Guide to the Arts in Dallas, September 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Interview with painter “Ruben Miranda: Puerto Rico, ambivalence and surreal Cubism”
“Ruben Miranda: Puerto Rico, ambivalence and surreal Cubism” — interview with the painter, the Word: the monthly Guide to the Arts in Dallas, August 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Interview Director of the Dallas Video Festival: “Bart Weiss: film hate, internet video, and aesthetics”
“Bart Weiss: film hate, internet video, and aesthetics” — interview with the Director of the Dallas Video Festival, The Word: the Monthly Guide to the Arts in Dallas, June 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Taught Portion of Undergraduate Civil Rights Class
Taught Final Six Weeks, Undergraduate Civil Rights Class, the University of Texas at Dallas while scheduled professor was on maternity leave, Spring 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Appeared as part of the Word Poets, Austin International Poetry Festival 1995
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Interviewed by Izzy Yaakov on Inner City Music Videos
Interviewed by Izzy Yaakov for Inner City Music Videos on Cable Access on Dallas, 13 March 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Interview of poet, former Editor of the Kenyon Review: “Fred Turner: Ecopoetics and the nature of Beauty”
“Fred Turner: Ecopoetics and the nature of Beauty” — interview with the poet, UTD Professor and former Editor of the Kenyon Review, the Word: the monthly Guide to the Arts in Metroplex, February 1995. Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook
Interviewed on Inner City Music Videos by Melissa Hanes
Interviewed by Melissa Hanes for Inner City Music Videos on Cable Access of Dallas, 26 September 1994 Share with: TwitterRedditEmailLinkedInFacebook