How’s the computer going to work in the future? Boring. A much better question is how should a computer work in the future? Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen wrote a short article in 1996 called The Anti-Mac Interface that looks at what people will be doing in the future and how that should change computers. Towards the Anti-Mac looks at where we’ve made progress and what still needs to be done. Interesting. And none of it is about what gadgets –DVD, USB, acronym-whatever.

In case you missed the news, Harrison Ford’s character in Blade Runner was a replicant.
A List Apart runs some very good articles on website design. Usability Experts are from Mars, Graphic Designers are from Venus talks about the ongoing battle between those who like things to look good and those who want practicality. It’s the age-old battle between form and function. The article does a good job of covering it. The really interesting challenge is how to fuse the two.
Will Internet kill TV the same way (Music) TV killed radio?. Interesting bit of well-done Flash. Of course, when you find out that –at least when I’m typing this– "" is on the list of top 100 search phrases you have to wonder about the future for other reasons.